Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Positive: The Ocean Heat Sink is working.....

...which means much of the added energy from the greenhouse gas warming is being stored in the deep oceans. But what does this really mean to us humans???

If a substantial amount of global warming ends up warming the deep oceans, does this means we will not be affected by that portion of global warming?

A very hard question to answer. The Latest ocean research shows the oceans are indeed absorbing a substantial amount of heat due to greenhouse gas warming, and the best scientific estimates are that, YES, it will impact world inhabitants, just later as opposed to now.

My view on how this will first impact our World?

It will further undermine the West Antarctic Sheet (WAIS) grounding on the bed rock it rests on. This will lead to an accelerated collapse of the WAIS and a substantial rise in sea level. This sea level rise coupled with what is already going on in melting the Greenland ice sheet (largely unrelated to deep water warming), will mean sea levels rise so precipitously, that millions of people will be forced to become Climate Migrants (Climigration).

Where? Bangladesh and the Maldives for sure, most probably New Orleans, Lewes and Rehoboth-DE, New York City, and MANY other places around the World.

So "Optimistic Bill"....What would you do???

I would put more money into making nuclear fusion work. That is a route that essentially will work for all best we can define that phrase.

Optimistic Bill

PS - I am loving the Rehoboth Film Festival, and just saw The Rocket. I used to love to make rockets as a kid.... and I got pretty good at it. But the 10 year old star of this moving far eclipsed me.

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