Sunday, July 7, 2013

Colorado Strong Solar Programs

I had been considering posting some negative views about Obama's climate speech, just to keep this blog "balanced", but I have decided not to do that because the views were not a criticism of the science behind the stated US position on climate change, they were views that basically said, "well this is a hopeless battle, coal workers and coal businesses will have to pay a big penalty, so why try to do what is right?"

Well in every worthwhile undertaking, sacrifices are required. So lets look to Colorado for some inspiration. Colorado has on average 300 sunny days a year, and yet they now generate less solar power than NJ. So Colorado is going for 1 million solar roof tops by 2030. For details from see Renewable Energy World.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Predicting Climate Change - Fall 2013 OLLI Class, Lewes, DE

Course Description:

It is widely agreed that climate change is happening, but there is not much consensus among predictions, at what rate climate change will occur, and what will be all the effects of climate change. This workshop style class will explore current climate change predictions, and discuss what is predicted to happen in Delaware, as well as in the rest of the world.

Often cited effects of climate change are rising sea levels, increased storm intensity, shifting rainfall patterns, loss of arable land, ocean acidification, displacement of people and wildlife, extinction of plant and animal species, etc. Participants will be encouraged to present their ideas and findings to the rest of the class. We will have on-screen internet access to facilitate presentations.

Class dates and times to be announced

Bill Fintel     May 22, 2013 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Obama's Position on Climate Change, 6/29/13

I have been holding off posting this article to see if I came upon a better summary, but I have not, so here is what I consider a very good summary from CNN, Obama is right on climate change.

If you have been taking any of my lifelong learning classes on climate change, hopefully you will be glad to hear that I will be teaching a new 5 week class this fall at Osher Lifelong Learning in Lewes, DE. The class title is: Predicting Climate Change.

See next post for class description. Bill

GREENLAND - Will probably be the focus of near term sea level rise

Greenland is almost all covered by a very thick glacial ice cap. If all of Greenland's ice either melted or slid into the oceans, sea le...