"The video can serve as a valuable instructional tool for those
wanting to better explain or understand global sea-level rise trends and
prospects. There are some painful, and even dire, concerns expressed
about the potential that Greenland ice sheets could be “entirely lost”
if emissions continue at a business-as-usual pace; about the rate of
sea-level rise increasing “faster and faster with time”; and about the
planet’s ice sheets likely becoming “more active” over coming decades
than they have been over recent decades.
But scientist Eric Rignot, PhD, of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, whose research about three years ago pointed to bleak long-term glacier melt prospects for the western Antarctica, says he holds out hope for some “pretty good news.” "
But scientist Eric Rignot, PhD, of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, whose research about three years ago pointed to bleak long-term glacier melt prospects for the western Antarctica, says he holds out hope for some “pretty good news.” "