Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Limits of AI Being Human-like

The New York Times just published a very eye-opening article about where AI is and what it may or may NOT be capable of in reference to being conscious, caring, sensitive and other human qualities. As a sensitive human, I really relate to this article. We of course will discuss it, probably in class 5.


Books About AI

The following books have been used by Paul Collins and me to provide current information about Artificial Intelligence. Each book has a different focus, and I rate all at least 4 to 5 stars. All are available on Amazon....if you want to support an AI focused company.....and of course there you can find reviews of these books.

LIFE 3.0   Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence   by Max Tegmark

THE FOURTH AGE   Smart Robots, Conscious Computers, and the Future of Humanity
   by Byron Reese

MACHINES THAT THINK   The Future of Artificial Intelligence   by Toby Walsh

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   101 things you must know today about our future
   by Lasse Rouhiainen

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Video Links from AI Class #2 on Robots

Each Line below is a link to the related video, or in the last case, a web site.

Robot Summary - the Top Ten AI Robots

The Dangers of AI Robots

5 Advanced Military Robots

Autonomous AI Weapons....Slaughterbots
(Video made by the Future of Life Institute to encourage all countries to ban lethal autonomous weapons.)

AI Class #1 Video links

Paul Collins and I will try to get all the video Links from our AI class posted on this blog. We will also post some of the presentation text, but not all of it. This post covers videos from Class #1.
Each line below is a link to the related video.

Microsoft simple explanation of AI

Max Tegmark's perspective on AI

Sam Harris TED talk on AI concerns

Deep Learning via Neural Networks
 Google’s AlphaGo that beat Lee Sedol

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Saving New Orleans from Sea Level Rise

The latest plan appears to be diverting nutrients and sand coming down the Mississippi River off into wetlands being invaded by salty water and sea level rise. To do this as effectively as possible, they have created a basketball court sized model of the lower Mississippi River to better study the anticipated results of their options.  So check out Mississippi Delta.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Teens vs Trump Admin re Climate Change

The following link is to a very moving article in Mother Jones about  21 plaintiffs 22 and younger suing the US Government

“We the people are ready to leave,” sang a small choir of climate activists in downtown San Francisco, “’cause the White House makin’ it hard to breathe.” 

That was the rallying cry in support of the 21 plaintiffs, ages 22 and younger, who are suing the federal government for causing climate change damages and thereby violating their constitutional rights.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Concerns on sea-level rise, but some 'good news'?....video from Yale Climate Connections

"The video can serve as a valuable instructional tool for those wanting to better explain or understand global sea-level rise trends and prospects. There are some painful, and even dire, concerns expressed about the potential that Greenland ice sheets could be “entirely lost” if emissions continue at a business-as-usual pace; about the rate of sea-level rise increasing “faster and faster with time”; and about the planet’s ice sheets likely becoming “more active” over coming decades than they have been over recent decades.

But scientist Eric Rignot, PhD, of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, whose research about three years ago pointed to bleak long-term glacier melt prospects for the western Antarctica, says he holds out hope for some “pretty good news.” "

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Great Wall of Louisiana Video

The link to the above video is HERE. This morning in the Oceans and Climate Change Class we watched it to about minute 6:45

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Largest Glacial Calving Event Ever Recorded on Camera

Following is the You Tube link to the video I showed in our OLLI Oceans and Climate Change class on March 13, 2018:

Short segment from Chasing Ice

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nuclear Fusion...a two decades away great hope

So just in the past few days, MIT announced a breakthrough in much more powerful magnets to confine the hydrogen isotope plasma so it would fuse and generate fusion energy like our sun.

Well those who know me, can rest assured I was a bit skeptical, even though I have great faith in MIT (they are almost as qualified as Cornell). But The Guardian, who I also have great faith in, is confirming my skepticism.

The Guardian view on nuclear fusion: a moment of truth

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Argo Ocean Sensing Float Aray System

As of March 12, there were 3,845 Argo floats deployed around the World. Each float descends to 2,000 meters every 10 days measuring temperature and salinity. Full details can be found HERE.

Friday, February 9, 2018

NASA - Vital Signs of Climate Change

Greenland from the air, April 17, 2010 - Bill Fintel photo
This NASA Link provides the latest World data in graphic form on Carbon Dioxide, Global Temperature, Arctic Sea Ice Minimum, Land Ice, and Sea Level.

I am looking forward to our Osher Lifelong Learning class on Oceans and Climate Change, beginning March 13, 2018, in Lewes, DE.

GREENLAND - Will probably be the focus of near term sea level rise

Greenland is almost all covered by a very thick glacial ice cap. If all of Greenland's ice either melted or slid into the oceans, sea le...