Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Natural Gas, Coal, and Climate Change

An Associated Press article in the NY Times titled,

Natural Gas Overtakes Coal in U.S. Electric Generation 

caught my attention, as I was not aware of the total magnitude of natural gas in U.S. electric generation. Natural gas has a distinct advantage over coal in electric generation, namely only about half the amount of carbon dioxide is emitted (1). But it also has drawbacks, such as methane leakage, and disruption of local communities. For a very thorough analysis of natural gas' role in averting climate change, read Joe Nocera's analysis in the NY Times Opinion Pages titled,

Shale Gas and Climate Change

Friday, July 10, 2015

This Week at Interior

I have posted some of these weekly segments before, but in case you have forgotten that YOU can get them sent directly to is today's.  Overall, I am very impressed, particularly with Secretary Jewell's clear insight into the issues.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wind Power to Hydrogen Fuel for Transportation

Hydrogen is a very clean fuel. Convert hydrogen to electric energy in a fuel cell to power a vehicle, and exhaust H2O (water vapor). A clean way to make hydrogen is via electrolysis of liquid water.

Now wait one minute....Your are going to use electricity.... to make hydrogen...... to make electricity??? And you are going to tell me that makes sense???

Apparently it does, if you take into account electricity is very difficult and costly to big, expensive batteries, whereas hydrogen is relatively easy to store, although a potentially very dangerous item if mishandled, or misused. Hydrogen has the additional advantages of longer range per fill-up, and much faster refueling time.

So has Tesla met its match? Probably not, but they seem to have found some competition. Read the following linked article from Renewable Energy World:

German Wind-to-Hydrogen Plant Takes Car-Fuel Battle to Tesla

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Settlement

From the International NY Times comes this article about
BP's $18.7 Billion Settlement

My only comment is that proper training, planning and engineering would have been a MUCH better way for BP to spend their $'s..... so the disaster could have been averted.

GREENLAND - Will probably be the focus of near term sea level rise

Greenland is almost all covered by a very thick glacial ice cap. If all of Greenland's ice either melted or slid into the oceans, sea le...