Thursday, February 26, 2015

YES, it is record COLD in the Northeast...

You saw we are just back from Africa (last post), so this current cold and snowy spell in Lewes DE is both unwelcome and unexpected. Now is it relevant OR irrelevant to climate change and often associated global warming???

You judge...and for background read James Taylor of Forbes.

Me, I miss my lobster dinners once each moth....because the lobster boats are frozen in.

Want a better answer....we will explore Alaska in our upcoming Osher Lifelong Learning class. The Arctic is where global warming is happening at a very accelerated rate in the past few decades. We tend to look at what is happening right now, and where we live, but OUR World is what really matters.

Below, a Hermit Thrush has found a holly berry in spite of the recent DE cold and snowy weather.

Bill Fintel photo on Prime Hook NWR field trip Feb 19, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

An Africa Perspective... after a firsthand visit

It is good to be back in the US....but I do miss the wildness of Africa

My global impact perspective? ..........I feel that by traveling to Africa, we helped the local African economy a great deal. This in turn should benefit the globally special wildlife they are protecting.

Bottom-line: Tourism is a major GNP for Africa..... the Lions, Elephants, Rhinos, Leopards....etc are THE draw. And the income from tourism supports the protection of these marvelous animals.

Bill and Sally....
...we are VERY supportive of South Africa and Ethiopia....where we visited.

Below, a few of our special friends.

GREENLAND - Will probably be the focus of near term sea level rise

Greenland is almost all covered by a very thick glacial ice cap. If all of Greenland's ice either melted or slid into the oceans, sea le...