If you have been following this blog, you know I took the summer off, but now I am back, as the UN convenes in NYC to address climate change. The specific climate issue I wish to focus on is the role of the World's oceans in the presence of increased greeenhouse gas emissions.
The oceans absorb approximately 1/4 of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. This is good in that it removes this amount of CO2 from the atmosphere and global warming effects. However, this absorbed CO2 is acidifying the oceans at an alarming rate...."the current level of ocean acidification appears unprecedented, at least over the last 300 million years."(source
9 Sep 2014 UN News article)
Another note of concern, is that the oceans seem to be absorbing less CO2 than previously. For a complete picture of ocean chemistry and Ph history, see pages 4 and 5 the World Meteorological Organization
Greenhouse Gas Bulletin for 2013.
The effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems is very significant and will be considered in future posts.