Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Andean Glaciers, another barometer to climate change

Yes, I have a fascination with glaciers, so following are two recent links to Andean glaciers which would not have been possible just a few years ago. Can technology save us? Probably not, as technology combined with greed and prejudice is killing us.

For now, just imagine being the astronaut that took these pics.

Patagonia Glacier overview
Northern Patagonia Icefield


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Latest Sea Level Rise Studies in West Antarctica

No doubt you have all read at least a modest amount this highly publicized topic. To me it does add a lot more credibility to near term sea level rise concerns. The latest studies are of what IS happening, not just what is predicted to happen. For a nice synopsis with some excellent graphics for the mechanisms, watch the following video from Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media.

The One Video to Explain Why the Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Doomed

GREENLAND - Will probably be the focus of near term sea level rise

Greenland is almost all covered by a very thick glacial ice cap. If all of Greenland's ice either melted or slid into the oceans, sea le...